NoxPlayerを使い、 Pixel Wifi Blocker をPCでプレイ
Do in-depth wifi analysis with Pixel Wifi Blocker, one of the best wifi analyzer, wifi scanner , and wifi monitor apps on Google Play. See all of the devices connected to your wifi network and know exactly who is using your network. Block wifi users (intruders, stealers) and deny their access. The remote disconnecting of unwanted users is available for rooted devices only.
Note: Root is required
* Full device details including IP address, MAC address, Device Name,Device Manufacturer,and more.
*Check your Internet Connection.
*Access fine location map permissions .
*Get detailed information about your current ISP Provider.
*Get Your Public IP Address.
*Ping test for your network quality.
* Cut Internet for all devices on the Network.
* Internet Speed Test , Download and Upload Test.
*Check your network for intruders.
*Basic information about your device network.
*Watch all devices on your network.
*Custom names of your discovered devices.
*Get manufacturer Details of your discovered device.
* Get Access to Admin Security that helps you to access the admin page of any Router modems (
Wifi management has never been easier. Pixel Wifi Blocker (ROOT) will show you detailed data about every user and manage wireless networks with the free wifi scanner and wifi analyzer tool. Answers the questions of “how can I block someone from using my wireless internet”. Exactly know who and when is using your network and block them!
HOW TO USE PIXEL Wifi Blocker?
1. Welcome Screen: In this screen, Pixel Wifi Blocker connects to your router to save
the settings. You will see a window asking you to confirm the validity of the
application (Super User) through the option (Grant).
2. Search screenAfter clicking on (Scan), Pixel Wifi Blocker searches for all the
devices connected to your wifi network, and list them in the menu that
contains all their data such as: IP, Mac Address, the type of device (Android,
iPhone, PC, Router). You can also rename each device appears in the list, so
you can easily select the device later.
3.Deny users: Pixel Wifi Blocker can deny any user by remotely disconnecting him out of the
network and preventing him from using it.
4. Free wifi scan for ports on the selected device.
5. Ping Scan for selected device.
6. Click to visit the open ports in the browser.
7. View The Manufacturer of all devices.
The wireless network analyzer tool features will help you if you are asking yourself how can i block someone from using my wifi.
Monitoring device connections and view hosts information (IP ,Hostname ,Organization,Address and Location)
We are deeply committed to offer you FULL control over your wifi network.
Wireless network should never be comprised. The Wireless analyzer features included in our app will guarantee security.
Get it free NOW!
All rights reserved © pixelgroup 2017
Note: Root is required
* Full device details including IP address, MAC address, Device Name,Device Manufacturer,and more.
*Check your Internet Connection.
*Access fine location map permissions .
*Get detailed information about your current ISP Provider.
*Get Your Public IP Address.
*Ping test for your network quality.
* Cut Internet for all devices on the Network.
* Internet Speed Test , Download and Upload Test.
*Check your network for intruders.
*Basic information about your device network.
*Watch all devices on your network.
*Custom names of your discovered devices.
*Get manufacturer Details of your discovered device.
* Get Access to Admin Security that helps you to access the admin page of any Router modems (
Wifi management has never been easier. Pixel Wifi Blocker (ROOT) will show you detailed data about every user and manage wireless networks with the free wifi scanner and wifi analyzer tool. Answers the questions of “how can I block someone from using my wireless internet”. Exactly know who and when is using your network and block them!
HOW TO USE PIXEL Wifi Blocker?
1. Welcome Screen: In this screen, Pixel Wifi Blocker connects to your router to save
the settings. You will see a window asking you to confirm the validity of the
application (Super User) through the option (Grant).
2. Search screenAfter clicking on (Scan), Pixel Wifi Blocker searches for all the
devices connected to your wifi network, and list them in the menu that
contains all their data such as: IP, Mac Address, the type of device (Android,
iPhone, PC, Router). You can also rename each device appears in the list, so
you can easily select the device later.
3.Deny users: Pixel Wifi Blocker can deny any user by remotely disconnecting him out of the
network and preventing him from using it.
4. Free wifi scan for ports on the selected device.
5. Ping Scan for selected device.
6. Click to visit the open ports in the browser.
7. View The Manufacturer of all devices.
The wireless network analyzer tool features will help you if you are asking yourself how can i block someone from using my wifi.
Monitoring device connections and view hosts information (IP ,Hostname ,Organization,Address and Location)
We are deeply committed to offer you FULL control over your wifi network.
Wireless network should never be comprised. The Wireless analyzer features included in our app will guarantee security.
Get it free NOW!
All rights reserved © pixelgroup 2017
Pixel Wifi BlockerをPCプレイのやり方や仕組み
2ダウンロードされたファイルを実行して PCにインストールします。
3NoxPlayerを起動し、検索バーに Pixel Wifi Blockerを入力して検索します
4GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストア経由で アプリをインストールします
5ホーム画面にてアプリのアイコンを クリックしてアプリを起動します。
6Pixel Wifi BlockerをPCでダウンロードしてプレイする方法
オープンソースであるAndroidをもとにしており、NoxPlayer内アプリのダウンロードもGooglePlayから行われるのが前提となっており、 違法性がなく誰でも無料&安心して利用できます。iPhoneやAndroidスマホでもSNS連携済みのゲームアカウントを利用すれば、PCでスマホと同じデータでプレイできます! 更に、NoxPlayerがGDPR(EU一般データ保護規則)に準拠しており、個人情報やプライバシーを保護することを約束します。
Pixel Wifi Blockerのプレイ動画
Pixel Wifi Blockerをプレイするには、スマホの小画面ではやりづらいとでも思われるプレイヤーにNoxPlayerをご紹介します!NoxPlayerでプレイのメリットがPCの大画面だけではなく、キーボードもマウスもコントローラーも対応というところもあります!Pixel Wifi BlockerをPCでダウンロードし、プレイすることでバッテリー消耗激しい、空き容量不足、着信などによる邪魔という心配も解消されます。Android7に対応した最新版のNoxPlayerでは、99%のスマホゲームがプレイできます。スマホアプリやスマホゲームをPCで起動させるための最強かつ一番軽いAndroidエミュレーターです。スマホ以上の操作感を実現しています。当然ながら、NoxPlayerに内蔵されているのがオープンソースの純正AndroidOSとなっており、安全性もバッチリです。