NoxPlayerを使い、 Scorpion Solitaire をPCでプレイ
This is classic Solitaire Scorpion card game. Its fun patience game with increasing popularity. To solve it you need a bit of strategy thinking and planning. The rules are pretty simple - you build down in suit at the tableau and you must build from King to Ace. Every face up card can be moved even if there are more cards on top of it. You can't place anything on an Ace.
Object of the Game:
To build down in suit from King to Ace withing the tableau. When such sequence is build it is automatically moved to the foundations. You must build four such sequences.
Rules of Scorpion:
Any face-up card can be moved.
You build down in suit - for example you place 9 of hearts and then you place 8 of hearts.
Empty spaces can be taken only by Kings (this makes the game more difficult than Wasp)
Strategy Tip: Try to open closed cards as soon as you can. If an important card is face down you will get stuck at some point.
Also don't relay on hints all the time as they won't always suggest the best possible moves. Try thinking on your own and planning your game. You will get better win rate this way. Be careful to not live two cards in reverse order or you will get stuck.
Scorpion Solitaire is not that easy and it trains logical thinking and planning ahead. You can't just move cards randomly and expect to win. Use your brain to create the best possible strategy and win with careful planning.
Use the undo button when needed, its free and unlimited. You can use undo to check different moves and success chances.
Features of this app:
Beautiful interface and graphics
Intuitive interface
Unlimited undo - return and try another move
Unlimited hints - get help when you need it
Big card symbols - you can see our cards symbols even in small screens
Statistics - track your gameplays, wins and scores
Addicting - be careful how much time will you spend playing this
Can be played offline - this game can be played offline and don't require internet connection. Play when you like.
Download Scorpion Solitaire app for free and start playing. Its classic patience game that will exercise and train your brain.
Object of the Game:
To build down in suit from King to Ace withing the tableau. When such sequence is build it is automatically moved to the foundations. You must build four such sequences.
Rules of Scorpion:
Any face-up card can be moved.
You build down in suit - for example you place 9 of hearts and then you place 8 of hearts.
Empty spaces can be taken only by Kings (this makes the game more difficult than Wasp)
Strategy Tip: Try to open closed cards as soon as you can. If an important card is face down you will get stuck at some point.
Also don't relay on hints all the time as they won't always suggest the best possible moves. Try thinking on your own and planning your game. You will get better win rate this way. Be careful to not live two cards in reverse order or you will get stuck.
Scorpion Solitaire is not that easy and it trains logical thinking and planning ahead. You can't just move cards randomly and expect to win. Use your brain to create the best possible strategy and win with careful planning.
Use the undo button when needed, its free and unlimited. You can use undo to check different moves and success chances.
Features of this app:
Beautiful interface and graphics
Intuitive interface
Unlimited undo - return and try another move
Unlimited hints - get help when you need it
Big card symbols - you can see our cards symbols even in small screens
Statistics - track your gameplays, wins and scores
Addicting - be careful how much time will you spend playing this
Can be played offline - this game can be played offline and don't require internet connection. Play when you like.
Download Scorpion Solitaire app for free and start playing. Its classic patience game that will exercise and train your brain.
Scorpion SolitaireをPCプレイのやり方や仕組み
2ダウンロードされたファイルを実行して PCにインストールします。
3NoxPlayerを起動し、検索バーに Scorpion Solitaireを入力して検索します
4GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストア経由で アプリをインストールします
5ホーム画面にてアプリのアイコンを クリックしてアプリを起動します。
6Scorpion SolitaireをPCでダウンロードしてプレイする方法
オープンソースであるAndroidをもとにしており、NoxPlayer内アプリのダウンロードもGooglePlayから行われるのが前提となっており、 違法性がなく誰でも無料&安心して利用できます。iPhoneやAndroidスマホでもSNS連携済みのゲームアカウントを利用すれば、PCでスマホと同じデータでプレイできます! 更に、NoxPlayerがGDPR(EU一般データ保護規則)に準拠しており、個人情報やプライバシーを保護することを約束します。
Scorpion Solitaireのプレイ動画
Scorpion Solitaireをプレイするには、スマホの小画面ではやりづらいとでも思われるプレイヤーにNoxPlayerをご紹介します!NoxPlayerでプレイのメリットがPCの大画面だけではなく、キーボードもマウスもコントローラーも対応というところもあります!Scorpion SolitaireをPCでダウンロードし、プレイすることでバッテリー消耗激しい、空き容量不足、着信などによる邪魔という心配も解消されます。Android7に対応した最新版のNoxPlayerでは、99%のスマホゲームがプレイできます。スマホアプリやスマホゲームをPCで起動させるための最強かつ一番軽いAndroidエミュレーターです。スマホ以上の操作感を実現しています。当然ながら、NoxPlayerに内蔵されているのがオープンソースの純正AndroidOSとなっており、安全性もバッチリです。