NoxPlayerを使い、 myMetro をPCでプレイ
This free application is used for Metro by T-Mobile customers to make changes to their account at their fingertips. Check your balance and due date, review your 4G data usage, make payments, change plans or features, and even reset your voicemail password. Just another way to take care of the simple things without making a call or standing in line.
If you're having trouble with an upgrade or crashing/freezing issues, select the MyMetro app in your phone settings and clear all app storage. Try to re-download the app from the Play Store, or just re-launch if there is not an update option. You must accept all requested permissions, turn off wifi, and upgrade to the latest version of MyMetro; otherwise the app may not work properly. Dial 888-8Metro8 and request a representative if you continue to experience issues after following these steps.
If you're having trouble with an upgrade or crashing/freezing issues, select the MyMetro app in your phone settings and clear all app storage. Try to re-download the app from the Play Store, or just re-launch if there is not an update option. You must accept all requested permissions, turn off wifi, and upgrade to the latest version of MyMetro; otherwise the app may not work properly. Dial 888-8Metro8 and request a representative if you continue to experience issues after following these steps.
2ダウンロードされたファイルを実行して PCにインストールします。
3NoxPlayerを起動し、検索バーに myMetroを入力して検索します
4GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストア経由で アプリをインストールします
5ホーム画面にてアプリのアイコンを クリックしてアプリを起動します。
オープンソースであるAndroidをもとにしており、NoxPlayer内アプリのダウンロードもGooglePlayから行われるのが前提となっており、 違法性がなく誰でも無料&安心して利用できます。iPhoneやAndroidスマホでもSNS連携済みのゲームアカウントを利用すれば、PCでスマホと同じデータでプレイできます! 更に、NoxPlayerがGDPR(EU一般データ保護規則)に準拠しており、個人情報やプライバシーを保護することを約束します。