NoxPlayerを使い、 FarmGate - CocoaTrace をPCでプレイ
App Description
CocoaTrace is a web and mobile based platform application that can be adapted to the business requirements of organizations and business along the cocoa and chocolate value chain. The applications combine up-and down-stream product traceability, sustainability project management, and resource planning in one single end-to-end platform ecosystem.
With CocoaTrace, businesses and producer organizations can verify sustainability in their supply chain and fair working practices from independent smallholders and producers, through collection and trade, to its warehouses and processing facilities, and through retail to the final consumers. 100% transparent and traceability from tree to final product.
CocoaTrace application users are increasing responsible and sustainable sourcing of raw material, improving market access, professionalize smallholder farming and increase revenues with innovative technologies, and reducing risks along global supply chains.
CocoaTrace is integrating any supply chain certification standards and provides management dashboards for the Internal Management System of certificate holders, auditing bodies, and the standard setting organization.
About Koltiva
Koltiva AG is an integrated agriculture technology company that provides tailor-made software solutions and services for end-to-end business processes. Established in 2013 in Indonesia, and incorporated 2017 in Switzerland, our game changing solutions are successfully used by our clients and its suppliers in 28 countries.
Koltiva is the leading agriculture system specialist geared towards assisting oil palm, cocoa and chocolate, coffee, rubber, seaweed, and various natural ingredients sourcing/processing companies achieve profitable and inclusive growth.
Through our proven end-to-end software solutions and services, we help improve operational efficiency, significantly reduce costs and supply chain risks, increase producer's profitability and develop sustainable production and trade in food- and non-food value chains.
CocoaTrace is a web and mobile based platform application that can be adapted to the business requirements of organizations and business along the cocoa and chocolate value chain. The applications combine up-and down-stream product traceability, sustainability project management, and resource planning in one single end-to-end platform ecosystem.
With CocoaTrace, businesses and producer organizations can verify sustainability in their supply chain and fair working practices from independent smallholders and producers, through collection and trade, to its warehouses and processing facilities, and through retail to the final consumers. 100% transparent and traceability from tree to final product.
CocoaTrace application users are increasing responsible and sustainable sourcing of raw material, improving market access, professionalize smallholder farming and increase revenues with innovative technologies, and reducing risks along global supply chains.
CocoaTrace is integrating any supply chain certification standards and provides management dashboards for the Internal Management System of certificate holders, auditing bodies, and the standard setting organization.
About Koltiva
Koltiva AG is an integrated agriculture technology company that provides tailor-made software solutions and services for end-to-end business processes. Established in 2013 in Indonesia, and incorporated 2017 in Switzerland, our game changing solutions are successfully used by our clients and its suppliers in 28 countries.
Koltiva is the leading agriculture system specialist geared towards assisting oil palm, cocoa and chocolate, coffee, rubber, seaweed, and various natural ingredients sourcing/processing companies achieve profitable and inclusive growth.
Through our proven end-to-end software solutions and services, we help improve operational efficiency, significantly reduce costs and supply chain risks, increase producer's profitability and develop sustainable production and trade in food- and non-food value chains.
FarmGate - CocoaTraceをPCプレイのやり方や仕組み
2ダウンロードされたファイルを実行して PCにインストールします。
3NoxPlayerを起動し、検索バーに FarmGate - CocoaTraceを入力して検索します
4GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストア経由で アプリをインストールします
5ホーム画面にてアプリのアイコンを クリックしてアプリを起動します。
6FarmGate - CocoaTraceをPCでダウンロードしてプレイする方法
オープンソースであるAndroidをもとにしており、NoxPlayer内アプリのダウンロードもGooglePlayから行われるのが前提となっており、 違法性がなく誰でも無料&安心して利用できます。iPhoneやAndroidスマホでもSNS連携済みのゲームアカウントを利用すれば、PCでスマホと同じデータでプレイできます! 更に、NoxPlayerがGDPR(EU一般データ保護規則)に準拠しており、個人情報やプライバシーを保護することを約束します。
FarmGate - CocoaTraceのプレイ動画
FarmGate をプレイするには、スマホの小画面ではやりづらいとでも思われるプレイヤーにNoxPlayerをご紹介します!NoxPlayerでプレイのメリットがPCの大画面だけではなく、キーボードもマウスもコントローラーも対応というところもあります!FarmGate をPCでダウンロードし、プレイすることでバッテリー消耗激しい、空き容量不足、着信などによる邪魔という心配も解消されます。Android7に対応した最新版のNoxPlayerでは、99%のスマホゲームがプレイできます。スマホアプリやスマホゲームをPCで起動させるための最強かつ一番軽いAndroidエミュレーターです。スマホ以上の操作感を実現しています。当然ながら、NoxPlayerに内蔵されているのがオープンソースの純正AndroidOSとなっており、安全性もバッチリです。