NoxPlayerを使い、 IN Radio - Indian Online Radios をPCでプレイ
IN Radio is an easy and elegant internet streaming service for Indian FM radios.
IN Radio - Indian Online Radios includes:
★ All the best India FM radio stations ★
Listen to your favorite Indian radios (Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Bollywood, Kannada, Punjabi, English, Odia, Marathi, Gujarati, Bangla)
★ High & low listening quality ★
IN Radio offers a possibility to listen in high, but also in a low quality, which allows listening with slower internet connection.
★ Favorite list of Indian radios ★
You can easily mark and sort your favorite Indian radio among all the others and switch between favorites even faster.
★ Stable and easy-to-use radio alarm ★
Just choose your favorite Indian radio station and time, when alarm should be triggered and wake up every sunrise to a different music
★ Sleep timer ★
If you like to fall asleep while listening to some Indian FM radio station but you don't want to leave it playing whole night, you can easily set it to shut down automatically after the chosen time.
★ Cast support ★
You can cast all Indian music to your preferred device (TV, speakers, ..) via Cast function.
★ Android Auto ★
IN Radio can be used in your car compatible with Android Auto as well.
★ Artist & song name ★
With artist and song name, never miss the song that touched your heart ❤️
★ Fast loading of player ★
For most of the Indian radio stations, player starts almost immediately - average buffering time is under one second.
★ Streams are updated regularly ★
We frequently check streams and update them to provide you the best listening experience.
★ Extraordinary support and fast response time ★
We strive to answer your questions, get your feedback or just to hear from you. If you request new Indian radio station, we are dedicated to deliver it to you as fast as possible - all without updating application! 🎖️
Try IN Radio, maybe you've just finally found the most suitable streaming application for you!
IN Radio does not store any of the streams provided in the application, nor modify them in any way, as it is not the owner of any stream. Application only groups Indian radios together and provide them to its end users in a comfortable way.
If you want to have some other Indian radio in this application, or in case of any problem or idea, feel free to contact us via email: [email protected].
IN Radio - Indian Online Radios includes:
★ All the best India FM radio stations ★
Listen to your favorite Indian radios (Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Bollywood, Kannada, Punjabi, English, Odia, Marathi, Gujarati, Bangla)
★ High & low listening quality ★
IN Radio offers a possibility to listen in high, but also in a low quality, which allows listening with slower internet connection.
★ Favorite list of Indian radios ★
You can easily mark and sort your favorite Indian radio among all the others and switch between favorites even faster.
★ Stable and easy-to-use radio alarm ★
Just choose your favorite Indian radio station and time, when alarm should be triggered and wake up every sunrise to a different music
★ Sleep timer ★
If you like to fall asleep while listening to some Indian FM radio station but you don't want to leave it playing whole night, you can easily set it to shut down automatically after the chosen time.
★ Cast support ★
You can cast all Indian music to your preferred device (TV, speakers, ..) via Cast function.
★ Android Auto ★
IN Radio can be used in your car compatible with Android Auto as well.
★ Artist & song name ★
With artist and song name, never miss the song that touched your heart ❤️
★ Fast loading of player ★
For most of the Indian radio stations, player starts almost immediately - average buffering time is under one second.
★ Streams are updated regularly ★
We frequently check streams and update them to provide you the best listening experience.
★ Extraordinary support and fast response time ★
We strive to answer your questions, get your feedback or just to hear from you. If you request new Indian radio station, we are dedicated to deliver it to you as fast as possible - all without updating application! 🎖️
Try IN Radio, maybe you've just finally found the most suitable streaming application for you!
IN Radio does not store any of the streams provided in the application, nor modify them in any way, as it is not the owner of any stream. Application only groups Indian radios together and provide them to its end users in a comfortable way.
If you want to have some other Indian radio in this application, or in case of any problem or idea, feel free to contact us via email: [email protected].
IN Radio - Indian Online RadiosをPCプレイのやり方や仕組み
2ダウンロードされたファイルを実行して PCにインストールします。
3NoxPlayerを起動し、検索バーに IN Radio - Indian Online Radiosを入力して検索します
4GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストア経由で アプリをインストールします
5ホーム画面にてアプリのアイコンを クリックしてアプリを起動します。
6IN Radio - Indian Online RadiosをPCでダウンロードしてプレイする方法
オープンソースであるAndroidをもとにしており、NoxPlayer内アプリのダウンロードもGooglePlayから行われるのが前提となっており、 違法性がなく誰でも無料&安心して利用できます。iPhoneやAndroidスマホでもSNS連携済みのゲームアカウントを利用すれば、PCでスマホと同じデータでプレイできます! 更に、NoxPlayerがGDPR(EU一般データ保護規則)に準拠しており、個人情報やプライバシーを保護することを約束します。
IN Radio - Indian Online Radiosのプレイ動画
IN Radio をプレイするには、スマホの小画面ではやりづらいとでも思われるプレイヤーにNoxPlayerをご紹介します!NoxPlayerでプレイのメリットがPCの大画面だけではなく、キーボードもマウスもコントローラーも対応というところもあります!IN Radio をPCでダウンロードし、プレイすることでバッテリー消耗激しい、空き容量不足、着信などによる邪魔という心配も解消されます。Android7に対応した最新版のNoxPlayerでは、99%のスマホゲームがプレイできます。スマホアプリやスマホゲームをPCで起動させるための最強かつ一番軽いAndroidエミュレーターです。スマホ以上の操作感を実現しています。当然ながら、NoxPlayerに内蔵されているのがオープンソースの純正AndroidOSとなっており、安全性もバッチリです。